Companion Animal Dental Services specializes in dental care services so your pets receive the quality of dental care they need. We are able to provide advanced dental and oral surgical care services that some veterinarian clinics are not set up to provide.
Pet dental statistics:
70-80% of all pets by the age of 3 have some level of periodontal disease. It has been estimated that most veterinary practices, if treating oral disease appropriately, are drastically under-treating this important and progressive disease. Recognizing, managing and treating periodontal disease is of major importance to your pet’s overall health.
Dental knowledge and surgical skills take time and patience to acquire and to deliver to patients. As a busy general practitioner, Dr. Herrman realized how difficult it can be to predict and schedule the necessary time to complete a comprehensive oral assessment and treatment program. That is why she decided to create a practice that specializes in dental services exclusively.
Specializing in treating periodontal disease and beyond
As your pet’s dental care provider, Dr. Herrman will be able to address the majority of problems during the first anesthesia.