Having a non veterinary professional scale your pet’s teeth without anesthesia sounds very appealing to pet owners. Fear of anesthesia and cost concerns are understandable. But no one, veterinarians included, should attempt to scale teeth without anesthesia. It provides no medical benefit, is only cosmetic and may cause pain and actually harm your pet.
My own dog is very obedient and will let me do almost anything with great trust. I brush his teeth regularly, but would never attempt to scale his teeth without anesthesia, because I know that I would not be doing a proper job. I could not address any area of his teeth except the superficial tartar, and this is not the location of potential disease and progression. It is purely cosmetic.
I have treated animals that have had non-anesthetic cleaning for years, usually with good intent on behalf of the person performing it, and have often found many mobile teeth and at times severe bone loss to the point of near jaw fracture, or actual fractures. Additionally, having those teeth scraped was very likely painful. If identified earlier and treated properly a significant slowing of gum disease and bone decay can be achieved.
In my professional opinion, the only way proper way to address oral care in our pets is by a veterinary professional under general anesthesia. Please take the time to read the opinion of the American Veterinary Dental College. Remember when choosing care options for your pet companions always weigh the potential benefits versus the risks and keep your pets best interest in mind.